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Why You Should Deep Clean Your Home After the Holidays

Many households across the U.S. are hectic over the holidays, but there is typically a lull in both activities and visitors in the period between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. As such, this is the perfect time to tackle the cleaning and get the whole place tidied up before you get to the point of no return! Entering a new year with a grubby, cluttered home isn’t great for your mental health, and can add to any worries that a new year might already be bringing you. As such, it’s really important to try and get the place clean and tidy as soon as you can after the festive holidays.

Of course, if you simply can’t face cleaning and tidying up until the new year, why not hire a cleaning company to come in and muck the place out before you welcome in 2023? This means that if you’re back to work, it relieves some of the pressure that can arise in this period, especially if you’re expecting a fresh set of guests to see in the new year with. And if you’re still enjoying time off of work, you can continue doing whatever you please without housecleaning hanging over you.

For those who do plan to tackle their own cleaning after the holidays, and before the first of January, here are some tips to help you achieve it with ease:

  • Work out what you can get rid of

There’s typically a lot of trash generated over the holidays, and there will likely be a smattering of unwanted gifts, too. Figure out what can be recycled, sold or donated to charity and get it done well before the 1st of January.

  • Carry out a post-holiday de-clutter

When you’re taking down the decorations, think about what you might want to use next year, and where you can store it conveniently, but out of sight. For anything that’s had its day, donate or recycle it, and try to be ruthless to prevent entering a new year with your closets stuffed full of decorations and gifts nobody wants.

  • Tackle the kitchen

The kitchen will undoubtedly have suffered throughout the holidays, and it might need a deep clean. Try not to delay this and tackle it as soon as possible to prevent the mess from getting out of control. If you need, or want to, simply pay for a cleaning company to come in for a few hours and sort the space out.

Clean out the refrigerator and see if any leftovers can be frozen, eaten or disposed of, too.

  • Make 2023 the year you hire a cleaner

For a cleaner home all year round, no matter what your schedule, start hiring a cleaning company to come in once or twice a week and help you keep the whole home spic and span. The benefits are significant, and if you try it out and then decide you prefer to clean your own home, simply cancel their services – giving them plenty of notice, of course.

For a 2023 that doesn’t involve worries about cleaning, but does involve you coming home to a spotlessly clean home every day, try out a local cleaning service; after all, what have you got to lose?



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