American Cockroaches are reddish-brown and about 1.5 inches long. They have well-developed wings but do not fly. The male cockroaches have wings longer than female cockroaches. They are prone to cause various diseases. Some people can experience allergy and asthma symptoms from breathing in the air where cockroach’s shed skin and drop fecal.
Cockroaches may invade your home through small holes and cracks in the wall. You can find them behind refrigerators, under sinks, and in dark cabinets. They enter your home at night to find food and small insects.
Scottsdale Pest Solutions is a Scottsdale, Arizona, based pest control service provider with experience of more than 15 years. They use modern technology to get rid of pests or rodents from residents and businesses. They provide a guarantee of their services to help you control pest infestation.
Here are a few tips to get rid of American cockroaches from your home –
- Prevention through sanitation
Sanitation can eliminate food sources and moisture that invite cockroaches. These methods will deliver better results to control and eradicate cockroaches. You can follow the below steps to prevent cockroach invasion –
- Seal all exterior and interior cracks and holes of the home.
- Use waterproof sealer for holes around doors, windows, water pipes, and baseboards.
- Cover windows, floor drains, and vents with mesh screens.
- Remove rotten leaves from your garden.
- Cover your dust-bin with an air-tight lid.
- Thoroughly clean floor, kitchen appliances, refrigerator, basins, and dust-bin to eliminate food sources.
- Regularly and thoroughly clean your home with cockroach repellants.
- Never leave any leaky pipes and fixtures as they are most likely things to invite cockroaches. Take immediate steps to repair or replace such leakages.
- Make sure your sewage system is in good working condition and covered from all directions.
- Store leftover food inside airtight containers.
- Do not leave your pet’s food and water overnight. Clean them before going to bed at night.
- Use pest control products
You can use harmless pest control products to kill and remove cockroaches.
- Insecticide Sprays – You may use concentrated residual sprays like Cyper WSP, Demon WP inside or Avesta CS, and outside your home. You can spray around sinks, doors, windows, pipe openings, and vents. Some spray will dry without leaving any visible residue on sprayed surfaces whereas some may leave a visible powdery residue on the surfaces. You must also spray around the plumbing under the sinks, basin, and water tank.
- Insecticide Granular – You may useinsecticide granular like BifenLp Granule in the pine straw and mulched areas.
- Granular Insect Baits – If the cockroaches are entering inside your home through the trees over the attic or gutter using baits like Intice Perimeter Baits will help you to keep cockroaches away. These are also helpful in removing crickets, bats, and ants.
- Insecticide Dust – You can use insecticide dust for the indoor treatment of cockroaches. Applying insecticide dust in locations, where these cockroaches are entering your home, will keep them out. You may also use D-Fense Dust under baseboards, wall gaps, bed, sofa, and appliances.